At Atap we’re focused on democratizing access to capital for Small and Medium-Sized manufacturers.

We are well aware of the fact that capital is costly for manufacturers in emerging markets. So we have decided to help SMEs with export growth and expansion, leveraging consumer products data from our platform, Nebulio. We invest through our neo fund structure under the AtapFund umbrella.

Please apply through the link down on this page.

We will let you know as soon as possible if you have been accepted. If you are approved, we will work alongside you in expanding your product range to newly developed markets around the world.
Access to affordable growth capital
Adapting the strategy (local to global)
Lack of team expertise for new markets
Cultural & language barriers
Country-specific laws & regulations
Limited access to foreign trade shows
Successful international scale
Meet corporate logistics and financial imperatives
Strategic position in the media and on the “shelf”
Proper packaging and preparation
The right good quality product
Defining and meeting target consumer needs and expectations
Customized Consumer Data-Driven Solution
Nebulio, our innovative software, crunches new market data to provide a deep understanding of the competition and trends in a client’s category. It offers consumer trends insights from the core “champions” in the space
Specific US and EU team expertise to support MVP / test product launches within these new markets
Post-sales support that provides further Assistance in regards to allocating growth capital e-commerce sales
Product design development and packaging engineering
Up-to-date knowledge on trade import / export barriers, tariffs, duties, etc., for specific products
Critical brand auditing, involving an ad hoc analysis of market positioning for entry and scaling readiness
Driving e-commerce sales online (and later offline), while we operate as your full scale “sales army”
Company establishment in the US, bank account advice, accounting, and legal support
Market entry strategy for specific products with an international scale perspective
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